
제 25회 반도체 대전 SEDEX

October 25 ~ 27 / COEX SEOUL

2023 참가업체 디렉토리

㈜에스티아이(대표자 : 이우석)

STI Co., Ltd.

Booth No.E040
  • CEO이우석 / Woo-Seok Lee
  • ADDRESS경기도 안성시 공도읍 봉기길 21 / #21 Bonggigil, Gongdo-Eup, Anseong-City, Gyeonggi-Do, 17558, Korea
  • CONTACTTel. +82-31-659-2677 / Fax. +82-31-653-4386 / URL. www.sti.co.kr
  • 제조품목

    1. Chemical (ACQC, Transfer, Supply, Mixing and Dilution)

        - Bulk chemical supply for semiconductor and display

        - Acid, Alkali and Solvent delivery system

    2. Slurry

        - Dilution with DI and mixing with other chemicals

        - Vessel type (low flow rate) / Tank type (high flow rate)




        - TFT and C/F developer

        - Accommodation up to G11 substrates

        - Excellent uniformity & High MTBF & Low CoC


        - Pre-depo, Pre photo, Initial, Cassette cleaner

        - Applicable to TFT-LCD, OLED, TSP

        - Accommodate up to G11 substrates


     - OLED Encap, RGB, HIL, HTL and other display RGB compatible(OLED Encap Printing System)

     - Provides customized, compatible ink & equipment

     - Beta Coating / 3DCoating (OCR Printing System)

     - Tile, Glass Decoration(Ceramic Printer)

     1. Chemical (ACQC, Transfer, Supply, Mixing and Dilution)

        - Bulk chemical supply for semiconductor and display

        - Acid, Alkali and Solvent delivery system

    2. Slurry

        - Dilution with DI and mixing with other chemicals

        - Vessel type (low flow rate) / Tank type (high flow rate)




        - TFT and C/F developer

        - Accommodation up to G11 substrates

        - Excellent uniformity & High MTBF & Low CoC


        - Pre-depo, Pre photo, Initial, Cassette cleaner

        - Applicable to TFT-LCD, OLED, TSP

        - Accommodate up to G11 substrates


     - OLED Encap, RGB, HIL, HTL and other display RGB compatible(OLED Encap Printing System)

     - Provides customized, compatible ink & equipment

     - Beta Coating / 3DCoating (OCR Printing System)

     - Tile, Glass Decoration(Ceramic Printer)

  • 회사소개

    ()에스티아이는 반도체 및 디스플레이 제조용 기계제조업을 주력 사업으로 영위하고 있으며, 고순도 약액공급 장치인 CCSS(Central Chemical Supply System) WET 공정 장비인 Cleaner, Developer, Stripper 등을 생산 공급하고 있습니다. 특히 CCSS는 국내 반도체를 포함하여 디스플레이 업계 시장점유율 상위권을 달성하여, 각 업체로부터 기술력을 인정받고 있으며, 해외 사업의 경우 중국의 주 업체로부터의 수주 달성을 성공하였으며, 싱가폴 반도체 기업에도 수주를 달성하여 점차 세계적으로 실력을 인정받고 있습니다. 또한 WET 공정 장비는 현상기의 최초 국산화에 성공하였으며, 국내/외 디스플레이 메이커들 전반에 장비를 공급하고 있습니다.

    당사는 CCSS 등 반도체 서브장비를 넘어 2013년부터 반도체 공정장비 시장에도 진출하였으며, 당사가 개발한 리플로우 장비는 고도의 기술력을 필요로 해 아직 국산화율이 미미한 만큼 지속적인 연구 개발로 국산화 실현을 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 또한 2005년부터 개발에 착수하여 확보한 잉크젯 프린터 기술을 응용한 세라믹 잉크젯 프린터 및 3D프린터 등의 개발을 완료 하였습니다.

    Recently STI has become a recognized mid-sized company in Korea.
    All of this achievement are the result of a concerted effort by stockholders, executives and employees to impress customers. As Semiconductor and Display equipment manufacturer, STI has been manufactured core equipment such as C.C.S.S and Wet systems has been localized for import replacement.

    In addition, Inkjet equipment and Refining systems used in the OLED field have completed development and are in the process of quantification. In particular, inkjet equipment is currently being developed in the post-process lamination process applied to mobile and tablet PCs due to its wide application.

    STI has expanded market not only in Korea but also in other countries such as Taiwan, China, and Singapore, establishing a close network of overseas cooperation networks in major countries. All employees will move in one direction to become a global company that plays a key role in the Semiconductor and Display industry and realize the benefits of customers and shareholders through continuous research and development, technology value management and customer satisfaction, and further contribute to the national industry.

  • 소개영상

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